About Me
Barb Anstead, Registered Holistic Nutritionist
Always Start with Why
I am honoured to successfully guide, empower, nurture and educate motivated individuals and families to discover their true health potential. This guidance occurs through nutritional counselling sessions where together we take a deep dive into your dietary and lifestyle habits to find solutions to chronic and acute health issues.
The true question to ask on this page is WHY? The answer to ‘why I became a nutritionist’ and pursued this particular mission in life is very relevant to why our work together is of the utmost importance.
With 35+ years, of personal and professional experience, I have witnessed the resolution of a vast number of client health issues. Time and again, optimized digestive health has been central in overcoming health issues and improving the potential for one’s overall wellness.

How it all Began..
Studying and practicing Holistic approaches to Health and Wellness began when I was quite young. Shaped by the influence of my Grandmother Catherine, it was her love of learning, nutrition, reading and journaling, coupled with a wide array of life and health issues, both personal, and those of others near and dear to me to helped to establish the origins of my ‘why‘.
My husband and I married in 1983. He is my best friend and my rock.
Soon thereafter our children would experience worrisome, ongoing health issues. These health issues were the major catalyst for my ongoing journey into the realm of nutrition and holistic education.
I witnessed, as a young Mother, how my children, through the power of nutrition changes alone, could enable their precious bodies to overcome years of persistent illness and disease. It was eye opening. It was incredible!
With this newfound knowledge in hand it became a quest to help others re-balance, alleviate or resolve their own health issues. Recognizing the power of our bodies to respond to nutritional, lifestyle and supplemental approaches was an incredible insight.
“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art”
François de La Rochefoucauld, circa 1660
Continuing Struggles & Loss

On February 28, 2013, our family suffered the great loss of my younger sister Cathie, at the age of 43. Colon Cancer, diagnosed far too late, claimed this beautiful young woman. She was five years younger than me. Cathie was always encouraging me to formalize my many years of courses, education and experience. She had me promise her that I would.
I kept my promise to Cathie.
After several decades of working for others within the health and wellness industry, I was thrilled to finally have my own home office practice. I became committed to reach out to empower and inspire others to embrace proactive and preventive approaches to achieve optimal health and wellness.
The wisdom and blessings of the universe chose the exact right time to grace and enrich our lives with three amazing grandchildren. Like my own children, they delight and inspire me more than they could ever know.
For over 30 years, I have dedicated my life to the studies, applications and approaches of holistic health and wellness. My clients have given me amazing insight and experience. The opportunity to educate and empower individuals to take charge of their health and tap into their innate wisdom is an incredible honour. I am thankful every single day.
This is me. Passion, commitment, family centred, down to earth, tree hugging, dog/animal enthusiast, “nature grounded”, knowledge seeking, rainbow loving me!
– Barb Anstead
The Office
Nutrition counselling appointments take place at my home office. I’ve created a relaxing environment to discuss your health in comfort. On nice days, we can also talk on my front deck where we’ll have a lovely view as the sun tracks across the sky.
(Of course online appointments are always available)